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Halsey E. Dewey

Reverend Dewey is the most recent of the Four House heroes. He was a great missionary leader and spent 42 years in India, working mainly in Bihar and in Bengal with the Santhal people. So he had two jobs, one in the plains for his missionary work, and the other at school as a Principal and it is not surprising that Reverend Dewey was constantly moving from the plains up to Darjeeling and vice versa. When problems arose he would come up to M.H. to solve them. He would not leave M.H. until the school was running smoothly again. Sometimes, if the problems were serious, he would raise funds in the U.S.A. Thus he was able to pull out the school from its dark and troublesome period.

The Second World War put a lot of pressure on the school. Many staff and students from Britain left the school.

The Student roll dropped to 120 - staff was difficult to obtain.

Today M. H. is a dream come true of our founders and others who helped to establish this great institution. Thank you, Mr. Dewey, for all your efforts and perseverance in keeping the school going. We are the fruit of your labor